What is this nonsense?
This is another version in a long succession of websites I’ve had. I bought my first web domain in 1997 while working at Hewlett-Packard. Since then I’ve had a website in some state disrepair. I’d start working on a new version and get distracted. It’s kind of like that muscle car your uncle with the tattoos has had in his backyard on bricks for as long as you’ve been alive.
Initially, my website was a place to play around with code. Then it was a place to host my photography. Later, I coded a blog in a language only nerds speak and my website became a blog. Most of what I’ve written in that blog over the years has been private. I find writing to be cathartic. I’m terrible at writing. So, it’s probably better that most of my writing stays private in the backyard far away from public roads.
Why bother?
Honestly, I’m not completely sure. The only thing that I’ve picked up and put down for as long as I’ve had a website is photography. Technically, I never really put photography down. I’ve just been using the camera on my phone vs something I have to hold with two hands. Late last Spring, I picked up a DSLR and started shooting again. If nothing else, this is a place to share what will come out of that.
When will it end?
Prolly around the same time your uncle get’s that car in the backyard down off bricks.
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